Silang Technology completed several hundred million financing

2018-12-08 21:50:20

Smart Logic announced that it has completed hundreds of millions of rounds of financing. The leading investor in this financing is Shanghai Lianhe Investment Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Lianhe Investment”), Yuanyi Investment and Investment, and Qingke Capital as the current round. Exclusive financial advisor for financing.

Silang Technology is a high-performance chip design company focused on system architecture innovation. Its core founding team is from the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. After the completion of this round of financing, Silang Technology will increase the chip architecture optimization and upgrade and software R & D investment in the development of the software chain, while further strengthening the company's team building, accelerate the application of super-computing, mobile communications, multimedia and other directions.

The global data volume is experiencing exponential growth. Cloud computing, 5G communication, Internet of Things, and autopilot applications have greatly tested the chip's high concurrent data processing capabilities. The microelectronics revolution that began in World War II has entered an inflection point. The continued miniaturization of electronic devices will inevitably face the limits of physics and economics. Moore's law will gradually fail. Chip technology innovation cannot rely solely on "more and more electronic devices." The method of plugging into smaller and smaller spaces is an urgent need for innovation in the architecture of traditional processor chips.

In recent years, with the gradual failure of "Moore's Law" and "Denard's Law of Zooming", processor architecture design has entered a new era: chip development can no longer rely on the complexity of integrated circuits to improve, Domain Specific Architectures (DSA) and the accompanying Domain Specific Languages (DSL) have become a new direction for academia and industry to improve processor performance. For example, the "reconfigurable" physical structure that can be adapted to the needs of the application is widely researched and applied in the industry, unlike traditional programmable general-purpose processors and domain-customized chips.

In line with the trend of the times, Silang Technology took the lead in the transformation of the microprocessor command-level architecture, adopted the cutting-edge solution of Software Defined Hardware (SDH), and proposed the AppAISArcTM instruction set architecture and algebraic processor concept. It has achieved innovative results with international leading and completely independent intellectual property rights.

As early as 2009, the National ASIC Design Engineering Technology Research Center High Performance Processor Team (later became the core team of Silang Technology), with the support of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, began to develop independent innovation architecture algebraic processor chips (MaPU). And won the "Twelfth Five-Year" Chinese Academy of Sciences Class A pilot technology special "a new generation of information technology for the perception of China" research project "algebraic processor chip" project support.

In December 2015, the 1.0 version of MaPU was successfully released. Compared with the traditional processor architecture, MaPU completed a large number of original innovations in architecture and microprocessor instruction set, and applied for more than 93 patents, forming more than 50 proprietary technologies. It has been highly recognized by international counterparts and the relevant results have reached the international leading level. In April 2017, the MaPU team officially completed the complete divestiture from the Automation Institute and established the “Slan Technology” to start the corporatization operation.

The core concept of the system architecture innovation of the MaPU project is to create a runtime that dynamically configures the processor structure according to the application requirements, and achieves the performance comparable to the application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). The software-defined hardware processor architecture reduces the cost associated with ASIC development, development time, and limitations of dedicated algorithms, while significantly improving computational performance and performance per watt compared to traditional programmable processors. . Domain solution designers can integrate system-level integration and optimization of general-purpose computing, dedicated computing, control logic, storage, and high-speed interfaces through a suite of software tools to achieve integrated programming of application-on-chip systems in specific technology areas. MaPU's research layout in the field of system architecture is nearly 10 years ahead of the international frontier.

Based on the first version of the MaPU chip, after three years of efforts, according to the characteristics of different application scenarios, Slang Technology has launched three field enhancement processors, namely HPP (High Performance Processor) and 5G communication chip. UCP (Universal Communication Processor) and multimedia chip UMP (Universal Multimedia Processor).

At present, the global super-computer chip solution is mainly CPU + GPU, in which the CPU is represented by the Xeon series of Intel's many core architecture, and the GPU is represented by NVIDIA's Tesla V100. In contrast, the HPP chip designed and developed by Slang Technology has better architectural innovation advantages and can achieve a more competitive performance-to-power ratio than the above solution. After the HPP chip system is further matured and improved, the solution Will face a wide range of business opportunities. At present, in the field of super-calculation, Silang Technology has established significant cooperation intentions with many well-known enterprises.

The funded investor and investment of this round of financing was established in 1994. For 24 years, Lianhe Investment has always adhered to the national strategy and the construction of Shanghai Science and Technology Center, targeting four major investments in information technology, life and health, energy and smart manufacturing, and modern services. Innovative technologies and key links in the field, benchmarking international standards, keeping up with the frontiers of science and technology, and focusing on building a domestic first-class strategic emerging industry investment and financing platform and science and technology achievements transformation incubator function platform. At present, Lianhe Investment has invested in Shanghai Zhaoxin (domestic general-purpose processor), Huahong Hongli (integrated circuit manufacturing), Haorui Technology (MEMS sensor), Shanghai Micro-Technology Institute (silicon light) in the field of integrated circuits. The pilot line) and other projects with first-mover advantages are the main promoters of Shanghai's strategic emerging industries.

Yuanyi Investment is an alternative asset investment platform established by Far East Hongxin Co., Ltd. (HK.03360) as its main sponsor. Its predecessor was the investment department of Far East Hongxin. Far East Hongxin Co., Ltd. specializes in China's basic industry, providing a comprehensive industrial operation service tailored to customers through continuous innovation of products and services through a combination of financial and industrial models. Far-wing investment is an important part of practicing the development strategy of the “Finance Assistance + Industry Empowerment” in the Far East and building the Far East Business Ecosphere. From the perspective of the Far East core industry (medical, education, high-end manufacturing, logistics, environmental protection, etc.), Yuanyuan Investment focuses on innovative and growth-oriented enterprises with operations in China and related to China. At present, Yuanyi Investment has led the investment in a number of high-tech enterprises in China's emerging industries, including Tesco Tigers, Daily Fresh, and Weimar Automobile.

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