China (Shanghai) International Embedded Conference Held Embedded Systems are Building a New Future

2018-11-30 21:34:41

According to the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission disclosed that the implementation of the embedded operating system innovation development plan, in the high-tech field, has made 17 special areas of special planning, continue to roll forward, and strive to 2020 or so Can form 1-2 industries with global influence. Advance the implementation of independent embedded systems and software towards high-end, intelligent. Intelligent manufacturing and emerging industries such as robotics, Internet of Things, smart homes, and smart cars have brought tremendous opportunities for embedded systems. In the construction of the science and technology center, the functional platform is one of the four beams and eight columns, which plays a very important supporting role for the development of Shanghai's emerging industries.

The Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission took the lead in formulating the construction plan for the “Thirteenth Five-Year” functional platform. In the first half of this year, the Municipal Economic and Information Committee, the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the Putuo District jointly promoted the construction of an industrial safety function platform. The next step was to jointly promote the construction of the remaining functional platforms during the year. In order to accelerate the implementation of refined management of megacities, Shanghai Putuo District Government focuses on “service + manufacturing”, fosters intelligent industries, builds a platform of “Zhilian Putuo City Brain”, promotes the effective connection between “intelligence” and “intelligence” and industrial innovation, and actively cultivates The pilot project has accumulated certain cases and experiences.

Gu Jun, deputy head of the Putuo District Government, attended the meeting and said that Putuo District has the resources, ability and preparation, and is willing to build a platform, create an environment and support for the development of the embedded industry. Putuo takes the safety and innovation functional platform of industrial control system as the starting point, and carries out the integration of artificial intelligence and industrial Internet security technology, and strives to build an industrial Internet security theme industrial park, and strives to become a national industrial Internet security innovation center. With the robot development and transformation functional platform and the national evaluation center as the focus, the combination of artificial intelligence and robots will be used to promote the application of artificial intelligence technology in Putuo. In order to build a new generation of information infrastructure system, Putuo launched the “Zhilian Putuo” project, and focused on building the Zhilian City, which is a trinity of IOT, Dianlian and Zhilian. Focusing on the "one-axis and two-wing" science and technology, deploying technology chain and talent chain, focusing on development chain and industrial chain, clinging to industrial policies such as intelligent manufacturing and Internet plus, combining potential enterprise warehousing, technology service vouchers, talent incentives, etc. The subdivision policy is supported by many aspects such as technology research and development, atmosphere creation, industrial development, and talent protection. In the next step, Putuo will rely on the “China-Israel (Shanghai) Innovation Park” to focus on the precise requirements of the national innovation-driven development strategy and the urgent needs of Shanghai's economic and social development, deepen international scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges, and promote Chinese and foreign technology, The comprehensive innovation resources of capital, talents and services are deeply integrated.

The conference was jointly sponsored by the National Trusted Embedded Software Engineering Technology Research Center and the Shanghai Industrial Technology Research Institute. The chairman of the conference, Academician He Jifeng of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, joined hands with Zhejiang University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, TÜV Nande Group, and National Trusted Embedded Software Engineering Technology. Research centers, Shanghai Hao Intelligent Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., Zhongke Xinsong Co., Ltd., and other well-known experts, scholars and corporate executives from industry, academia and research circles delivered wonderful speeches. The meeting also opened a closed-door meeting on the development of the Yangtze River Delta embedded system collaborative development and the rail transit safety computing platform.

The conference also teamed up with the 2018 China (Shanghai) International Sensor Technology and Application Exhibition, focusing on the sensor and embedded technology segmentation application market, and the four major exhibition areas, including the visual sensor exhibition area and the overseas pavilion, to make you feel good. The Shanghai Industrial Technology Research Institute also set up a booth to showcase the many achievements of SITI's space creation. From this year onwards, the Embedded Conference will be held in turn throughout the Yangtze River Delta, giving full play to the role of the Yangtze River Delta embedded system and software industry alliance, doing practical and long-term triangular collaborative innovation work, contributing to Shanghai and the future development of the Yangtze River Delta. wisdom. Adhere to the service of small and medium-sized enterprises, serve the "double creation", make full use of the opportunities given by the times, courageously face challenges, plan for major events, lay the overall situation, and become a great cause.

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