Next-generation game console Switch officially launched, Nintendo

2018-05-05 21:37:44

In 2017, Nintendo's next-generation game console Switch was officially launched. After a year and a half, Switch's total hardware sales have reached nearly 20 million units. In contrast, the company's previous generation of Wii U sold only 13.56 million units in the four-year lifecycle from the end of 2012 to the beginning of 2017.


Most of the brilliant achievements that witch made last year were attributed to the success of a series of self-developed game works such as "The Legend of Zelda: The Wilderness" and "Super Mario: Odyssey". At the same time, however, the various flaws and shortcomings of the Switch hardware itself have also attracted many criticisms, which is an urgent need for the company to improve.

According to suppliers and relevant insiders, Nintendo plans to launch a new and improved version of the Switch next year (2019) to make this already popular game console even more impeccable.

According to Nintendo's tradition, in the two years after the release of a handheld, it will introduce a new version of the improved version. Often the price is lower and there will be a "patch" improvement to some of the problems on the initial model hardware. From GBA to NDS to 3DS, all new models have been introduced within two years. Although Switch is not a strict "handheld", it obviously needs such a "patches."

According to the information provided by the supply chain, Nintendo is still discussing what new hardware upgrades to include in this "new model", what software features to add, and a trade-off between costs. One solution that is currently on the management board is to improve the screen of the Switch. From the current low-end LCD screen, switch to a brighter, thinner, more energy-efficient OLED screen, and optimize the display of the screen through some common techniques used on smartphones.

A Nintendo spokesperson declined to comment on the news, but according to the news, Nintendo may be considering launching this improved version of the Switch in the second half of next year, which may even be available in the summer.

Possible Pro upgrade?

Prior to this, game consoles were often upgraded every 5-6 years until the iPhone, which was updated every year, became a role model for the consumer electronics industry. As one of the most successful consumer electronics products of all time, the iPhone has successfully captured the wallets of a large number of users by the rhythm of updated and updated content every year. To some extent, the game console company has also got some inspiration from Apple: Why don't you speed up the upgrade of its products?

So three years after the launch of the first version of the PS4 game console, Sony introduced the "upgraded version" of the PS4, the PS4 Pro. All PS4 games can run on PS4 or PS4 Pro at the same time, but because PS4 Pro has better performance, players will be able to experience more detailed image quality and smoother frames. After realizing that this was profitable, Microsoft immediately joined the development team of the "Pro" device and launched the Xbox One X codenamed "Scorpio".

Rumors, the switch will use the OLED screen message can not help but guess, such a Switch will also be in the form of "Switch Pro" to meet the players? After all, OLED screens are quite expensive, and for game consoles where hardware costs are already very tight, this will be a big expense. If Nintendo is planning to use such a high-end OLED screen "luxury", does it mean that the price of the new Switch will be higher than the current $300?

According to the normal market rules of the game industry, even if this new version of Switch is a more powerful and more expensive "Pro device", the game will continue to be compatible with the current Switch game console in the next few years. For Switch, if you want your performance not to be too far away, so that third-party game developers can't transplant and adapt the game to this game console, it really needs an upgrade to keep up. The footsteps of the game industry.

The future of the "100-year-old shop"

The history of Nintendo can be traced back to 1889, which is more than the history of most technology companies in the world. It is a true "century-old store." But all the brilliance began with the NES red and white machine 33 years ago, and everything that Nintendo did afterwards was centered around the core purpose of "playing fun for the players."

After the launch of the Switch, Nintendo has said it will continue to sell its 3DS handheld, because 3DS is a safer and more affordable option for younger players. Although many game works originally belonging to the 3DS platform are moving to Switch, for example, its new work, "Pokémon", will be launched on the Switch before the end of the year. This has made game developers inevitably worried about the future of Switch and 3DS. A game developer executive said they are waiting for Nintendo to give a clear signal that "when the new Switch comes out, where will 3DS go?"

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