Guangdong Banking System IT New Technology Application Analysis Meeting

2018-09-25 21:40:33

Guangdong Province Banking System IT New Technology Application Analysis Meeting was held in Guangzhou. Representatives of financial institutions such as commercial banks, city commercial banks, rural commercial banks and rural credit cooperatives in Xuanwu Technology and Guangdong (Guangzhou) regions attended the conference, focusing on financial operation and maintenance management and financial data. Industry trends and technical solutions such as smart finance, exchange and discuss the IT operation and maintenance of new technologies in the banking industry, and help promote the innovation and development of the financial industry.

        With the rapid development of the mobile Internet and the advent of the new financial era, traditional banking customers hope to obtain “one-stop” financial services such as wealth management, funds and insurance in various business, life and social scenarios. The resulting large-scale new business not only makes the traditional bank's old communication system resources in a tight situation, but also has difficulty in scheduling. At the same time, customers who are faced with diversified channels visit, the bank needs a large number of customer service, operation and maintenance, management personnel to synchronize processing, response The speed is slow and the efficiency is affected. To this end, how to apply emerging IT technology to help banks break through the development bottleneck and create a digital banking communication system with rapid business communication and efficient customer service is an urgent problem for the banking industry in the new financial era.

Technology Empowerment, Xinyun Communication participated in the Guangdong Banking System IT New Technology Application Analysis Conference


At present, digitalization and intelligence have become an inevitable trend for the future development of financial enterprises. That is to say, Xinyun Communication believes that in the face of fierce financial market competition, the banking industry needs to focus on solving the problem of financial service experience. The emergence of a large number of new businesses will inevitably lead to the overwhelming old traditional communication systems of the traditional banks, and the multi-channel customer visits will make the bank's manual customer service exhausted. Only by realizing digitalization as a starting point, banks can establish a convenient and efficient instant messaging system, and use artificial technologies such as artificial intelligence and speech recognition to build a smart service system that can understand and think, in order to fundamentally solve the above problems.

        As a trustworthy enterprise cloud communication platform, the company has been deeply engaged in the communications industry for 18 years. It is committed to combining the needs of enterprise communication business scenarios in the mobile Internet era, providing corporate customers with integrated SMS, MMS, voice, video, traffic, The Internet of Things is a new generation of enterprise mobile convergence communication service cloud platform, which is widely used in banking, securities, insurance, funds, internet finance, government and enterprise, power, education, retail, logistics and other industries to help enterprises realize mobile information transformation and Service innovation. As a key business, the bank is deeply rooted in the industry, that is, Xinyun Communication is deeply involved in the communication scenario of financial enterprises in the era of mobile internet. Based on the digital transformation of the banking industry and the demand for quality financial service experience, it fully integrates various basic communication resources to provide banking customers with A secure, stable, efficient and convenient one-stop hyper-converged financial industry solution that meets the needs of the bank for notifications, marketing, operations management, customer service and other aspects of the communication needs, while adopting the world's leading natural language understanding And artificial intelligence and other technologies, providing voice outbound, voice navigation, voice quality inspection, intelligent customer service and other intelligent technology services, allowing banks to withdraw from the complicated channel maintenance, while greatly improving the customer's financial service experience.

        With the advancement of technology, people will be more interested in a one-stop, personalized instant financial service experience in the future, and an efficient and intelligent communication capability platform will help banks realize this vision for their customers. In the process of digital transformation and business reshaping of banks, new financial service scenarios will place higher demands on financial technology service providers. As a professional cloud communication service provider that has been deeply involved in the financial industry for many years, Xinyun Communication will continue to pay attention to the communication demand dynamics of the financial industry, adhere to the science and technology innovation, and continue to create an efficient, convenient and intelligent integrated communication service platform for the digitalization of the financial industry. The transformation injects new vitality.

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